Thursday 6 December 2012

Final Design

After many hours endured on photoshop the design is finally feeling finished. I am happy with the outcome yet I feel however it is still missing something, although I'm not quite sure what. I have learned a lot from the course and I hope to work on my photoshop skills and continue to better them in the future.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Step 6 - Burn and dodge effects

The burn and dodge tool come in handy when shading and highlighting areas. I used these tools to give the heart, skulls and the suffering banner a faded look.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Step 5 - Outlining

The purpose of the outline is to pull out the image from the page. It makes the design look much bolder and clearer for the viewer to see. Slowly by this stage I am adding even more detail, using white paint to highlight areas where the light hits the most. The eyes were given a blurred effect so that it would appear as if the child is tearing up.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Step 4 - Add Shading

In order to create a more realistic feel, shading needs to be added to areas of the body so that it gives off a more 3D effect. If only one colour were to be used throughout the piece it would make it appear too plain and lifeless.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Step 3 - Add Detail

Now that the basic colours have been added I can start going into the finer details of the piece. I wish to make the design as realistic as possible so that the person viewing the artwork can really feel the inner thoughts of a victim of child abuse.

Step 2 - Adding Colour

The next step was to add basic colours to the design before I went into more detail. In order to fill in certain areas with colour without going over other areas, different layers needed to be made so if any mistakes were to occur I could always go back to a specific layer and edit the image from there.

Step 1 - fill background

The whole idea of this piece is to give it a graffiti outlook whilst at the same time relating to child abuse and expressing the feeling that comes with it.

The back ground was intended to look rough as if it were a wall in a dark alley somewhere. Using the sponge filter twice created many blotches on the image. The next step was to make it thicker and darker and the sumi-e filter seemed to provide the feeling I was after.